Title I
What is Title I?
Title I is a federally funded program designed to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic standards and state academic assessments.
The Title I program focuses on the academic needs of the most disadvantaged students.
What is the aim of Title I in Fulton County Schools?
Title I schools receive federal money to provide additional resources to:
•Support student instruction
•Improve teaching strategies
•Increase family engagement
Parents and Families of Cliftondale Elementary School,
Each school that receives Title I funds must jointly develop and revise with parents a School-Family Compact as part of the school-level Parent and Family Engagement Plan (PFEP). The School-Family Compact is an agreement that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state’s high standards. The School-Family Compact will be discussed with you throughout the year at different school-family events for all grades and at parent- teacher conferences for elementary school students as we work together to help your child succeed in school.
The School-Family Compact(s) and school-level Parent and Family Engagement Plan (PFEP) are available on our school's website Title I page and are attached to this social media post. Please click "like", "thumbs up", or read/receipt to acknowledge you have received, read, and agree.
The Fulton County Schools Title I District Parent and Family Engagement Plan (PFEP), which was also jointly developed with parents and community members across the district, outlines the objectives and expectations for meaningful parent and family engagement. We encourage all Title I parents and families and the community to view this Plan and share comments or questions you may have with our Title I Department at FamilyEngagementSupport@fultonschools.org. The Title I District Parent and Family Engagement Plan is also available on our school's website Title I page and are attached to this social media post.
The School-Family Compact, school-level PFEP, and Title I District PFEP are revised each year in the spring; however, feedback is taken throughout the year.